Sonntag, 9. August 2009

Priceless Moments

It's been a while :-P
And I've written something two weeks ago.. and I think it' s finally something worth posting ^^
I think it's quite self-explanatory.
Here it is:

Priceless Moments (July 09)

These moments
As I look into your blue eyes
See your perfect and infectious smile
Which has so much to give
These moments
Are capable of making my day

You were there all along
Threre was always a part of my heart
Longing for you
But I was never brave enough to confess

I got fooled by those mask wearing cowards
Who didn't bother to show their real faces
Not even as I finally got to open myself
Not even as their plans were revealed
Trying to get to them
Just to realize
That their intentions were never pure

I felt torn apart with nothing left to feel
It's been a while
But there you sat smiling at me
I could feel how feelings resurfaced
And how all the cracks were mend
Just can't help it
You make me smile

Here I am trying to get myself to finally tell
I know you would never hurt anyone intentionally
You're so kind and trustworthy

But what if you don't feel the way I do?
What if I screw up as I always do?
What if it just doesn't work out?
I'm not sure if I could take one more

I just would't risk by any chance to lose you as a friend
I wouldn't want situations to be awkward
Not with you
Not because of these silly feelings of mine

So for now
I just watch from a distance
Just watch you smile
Not risking to lose these priceless moments

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